Difference between ES-5 and ES-6 and (Let,Var and Const)


FeatureES5ES6 (ES2015)
Variable Declarationvar is used for variable declaration.let and const introduced for better variable scoping.
Block ScopingLimited block scoping.Improved block scoping with let and const.
Default Function ParametersNo support for default function parameters.Supports default function parameters.
Arrow FunctionsNo arrow functions.Arrow functions introduced for concise function syntax.
Template LiteralsNo template literals.Supports template literals for string interpolation.
Rest ParametersNo rest parameters.Rest parameters for gathering function arguments.
Spread OperatorNo spread operator.Spread operator for expanding elements in arrays or objects.
ClassesNo classes, constructor functions used.Introduces the class syntax for defining classes.
InheritancePrototypal inheritance pattern.Improved inheritance with the extends keyword.
ModulesNo native module system.Introduces ES6 modules for better code organization.
PromisesNo native Promise object.Promises introduced for better asynchronous programming.
GeneratorsNo generator functions.Generator functions with the function* syntax.
DestructuringNo destructuring.Destructuring syntax for assignment and extraction.
Maps and SetsNo native Map and Set objects.Introduces native Map and Set objects for data structures.
SymbolsNo native Symbol data type.Introduces the Symbol data type for unique object properties.
Iterators and IterablesNo built-in support for iterators.Introduces the concept of iterators and iterables.
Async/AwaitNo native async/await.Introduces async/await for handling asynchronous code in a more readable way.
Array MethodsArrays have methods like forEach, map, filter, etc.Enhanced array methods like find, findIndex, and others.
String MethodsLimited built-in string methods.Improved string methods like startsWith, endsWith, and others.
Object Literal ExtensionsNo shorthand for defining properties in object literals.Shorthand property and method definitions.


HoistingHoisted to the top.Hoisted to the top.Hoisted to the top.
ReassignmentAllowed.Allowed.Not allowed.
Value InitializationNot initialized (undefined).Not initialized (undefined).Must be initialized when declared.
Temporal Dead ZoneNot affected by temporal dead zone.Affected by temporal dead zone.Affected by temporal dead zone.
RedeclarationAllowed.Not allowed in the same scope.Not allowed in the same scope.
Global Object PropertyCreates properties on the global object.Does not create properties on the global object.Does not create properties on the global object.
Use CasesLimited use due to hoisting issues.Preferred for most cases with block scope.Preferred for constants and when variable reassignment is not required.

It's important to note that choosing between var, let, and const depends on the specific use case and the desired behavior. let and const are generally preferred over var in modern JavaScript development because they offer better scoping and reduce common programming errors.


Global ScopeVariables declared outside all functions.javascript let globalVar = 10;
Accessible from anywhere in the code.
They have a lifetime of the entire
program and persist until it ends.
Function ScopeVariables declared inside a function.javascript function foo() { let localVar = 5; }
Only accessible within that function.
Local to the function and not visible
Block ScopeVariables declared inside a block (e.g.,javascript if (true) { let blockVar = 20; }
within if, for, while statements).
Limited to the block where they are
Introduced with ES6 (let and const).
Lexical ScopeScope determined by the location of thejavascript let x = 10; function outer() { let y = 20; function inner() { console.log(x, y); } inner(); }
variable's declaration within the code.
Also known as "static scope."

In the example for lexical scope, the inner function can access variables from the outer and global scopes because of the way scopes are nested and determined by the structure of the code.

Global Scope:

javascriptCopy code// Global variable
let globalVar = 10;

function example() {
  // Access globalVar in the function

example(); // Outputs: 10

In this example, globalVar is accessible within the example function because it's in the global scope.

Function Scope:

javascriptCopy codefunction foo() {
  // Local variable
  let localVar = 5;

foo(); // Outputs: 5

// Attempting to access localVar here will result in an error
// because it's not defined in this scope.

localVar is a local variable and can only be accessed within the foo function.

Block Scope (ES6 with let):

javascriptCopy codeif (true) {
  // Block-scoped variable
  let blockVar = 20;

// Trying to access blockVar here will result in an error
// because it's not defined in this scope.

blockVar is scoped to the block defined by the if statement and cannot be accessed outside of it.

Lexical (Static) Scope:

javascriptCopy codelet x = 10;

function outer() {
  let y = 20;

  function inner() {
    console.log(x, y); // Accesses x from outer scope and y from its own scope


outer(); // Outputs: 10 20

In this example, inner can access x from the outer scope and y from its own scope. It uses lexical (static) scoping to resolve variable references.

These examples demonstrate how variables' scope works in JavaScript. Global variables are accessible anywhere, function scope restricts access to the function, block scope (with let) is confined to specific blocks, and lexical scope follows the nested structure of code.

